
The Desert

Dolphin's Debate




Nature's Memories


Nights cyclopean eye of ice
Sinks slowly from the blush of dawn
Surrenders to the new days light
Gray shadows of the night soon gone

Rush forth into a day, born fresh
Fill soul and mind with all in view
Let morning's sweetness kiss your heart
Watch song birds soaring in the blue

Partake of nature, bounty filled
Mar not Her face with thoughtless deed
Like children, innocent and pure
Find peace and love, your spirit freed

Live life each day from dawn to eve
Fulfill your purpose on this earth
From womb to grave, from day to night
Complete the cycle, death and birth

The Desert

beating down
upon skin, cracked and bleeding.
Visage, parched an angry red. Unsightly to behold
Should one with unburnt eyes perceive naught else but fiery orb
Of life and death; depending on evolved protection, none which Nature could afford.
White-hot oven bakes the brains to curdled mush within one's head.
Caring not for briny rivers, pouring to the salt filled oceans; dried to dust in ages hence,
Unquenched thirst for land and body from the brackish poison pools,
All bedecked, necklace of bones. Shrine to those
Thirst-crazed, unwary.
Death and skeletal
remains is paltry
sacrifice to her

Dolphin's Debate

"Have we studied, long enough, this genocidal thing?
Must we live in tainted water"?, asked the Dolphin King.
"We have shown it care and guidance at a cost so dear."
And they all replied, "Dear King, they're ruled by greed and fear!"

The Dolphin King said, "Yes, I know. And lately some have tried
To understand our kind and to communicate their pride.
But others net our children and by some, released. Too late!
Soon we will be no more! Will race extinction be our fate?"

The crowd replied, "Their minds are small. They're learning every day.
Though slow and clumsy like a child, a few have come to play.
They know we are intelligent. We see it in their eyes."
"But will it last and overcome their greed?", The King replies.

"We have to be so careful when the creature-man comes near.
They do not recognize their plight. Their fate remains unclear.
I can't decide to leave or stay! Dear friends, what shall we do?"
And in their wisdom, all the Dolphins said, "Let's see it through."

"It's though we have a lot of pets, and dangerous they be.
So we must strive the harder and must teach them how to see.
This Home that spins among the stars is all they have, for now."
The Dolphin King replied, "You're right. We must succeed, somehow!"

"You may all go back to your task of teaching creature-man.
I'm tired of talking and would like to race the Sun again."
Then turning, he was off with lightening speed; a blur of gray.
The King, in wisdom, love, and kindness went back to his play.

If you love dolphins

Try this beautiful site


Majestic peaks reach through the clouds
Their craggy shoulders in white shrouds
Deep chasms piercing to their heart
Bleak desolation, Nature's thwart

'Tis here, the eagle ruled, supreme
From tallest tree to mountain stream.
O'er lonely beauty, they did fly
And knew not, Man was drawing nigh.

Soar, Golden King, o'er this terrain.
Swift death assured in his domain.
Black saber talons, grip of steel,
No quarter given in the kill

Oh regal thunderbolt of death,
Once reigning there like Winter's breath,
You're disappearing from the sky.
Emblem of Man, who made you die.


Stately Giants from Natures heart,
Oceans floors reach for the sky,
Born from chaos; torn apart.
Therein death and beauty lie.
Ancient life, now turned to stone;
Skeletons among the clouds
Glaciers bed and icy throne
Shoulders draped with pristine shrouds.
Crystal eyes in valleys deep
Slowly carved by glaciers knife.
Filled with tears, they never weep.
From cold winters death, now life.
Snow white tresses for all time
Summer green and winter gray
No hope offered in their clime
Sun hot fires inside, so fey.
Pity Man, with boasting claim
That he's conquered lofty peak.
Nature's Giants remain the same
When he's dust, in grave so bleak.


'Neath blue so deep, hearts eyes do ache
With wondrous awe and humble pain
Thy beauty, rare, soul's thirst doth slake
Like sun-parched fields by Summer's rain.

Thy face, so fair, and e'er shall be
As seasons pass into the years
Untouched by age. Eternally
A balm to all and thus endears

The child in us which begs to stay
Within thy warm embrace a while.
The blessing Nature brings each day
Is mere reflection of God's smile.

Nature's Memories

What mysteries would be revealed
If only you could hear a field
Discussing all the visitors
With Oaks, the Grand Inquisitors
Who hide those secrets, deep within their rings.

What sorrows, buried 'neath the grass
Forgotten; but as ages pass
Remembered by Mariah's breath
And told to Redwoods ere their death
Now locked in stone where only lichen clings

What of the lovers, hand in hand
Who strolled in silence, 'cross the land
Or sat and watched the clouds roll by;
Soft cotton ships, which sail the sky
And give the field a drink when there is need.

The field, caressed by farmer's plow
Lies fallow, contemplating how
The golden stalks of winter wheat
Were trampled 'neath the cattle's feet
And left their wind-swept songs along with seed.

Oh what adventures could be told
By rocks and boulders, as they rolled
Through all the many centuries
Their tale, if told, would surely please
A listener. Their voices can't be heard.

For Nature's memories are Hers
Aware of all, as it occurs.
She sends her secrets to the land
To all Her children, small or grand
And they won't even tell the smallest bird.