In Other Words©
Larry D. Jennings

Page Three of Requested Poetry

Sisters The
Value My
Decisions Second
Denial Best
Visitors Rewards Signs Value

The Request:
A sister’s love trying to tell my sister just what she means to me and how we use to play together as children and now we are adults and hardly have time for each other just how much I truly love her



The games we played when we were young
Still live on in my mind
The closeness we once had is gone
For fate has been unkind

It let us grow then grow apart
It dimmed the memory
Of sisters, who had shared a love
That most will never see

That love still lives within my heart
I’m sure it lives in you
But we, who hardly ever speak
Our moments are too few

To spend some time together now
That’s time we never take
I miss your smile, your face, your touch
So much my heart could break

So here’s a few well chosen words
To bring a smile or tear
And say how much you mean to me
I love you, sister, dear.

The Request:
Her name is Michelle and we have been seeing each other for about 5 months, even though we’ve been friends for about 3years. I’m married and she's in a relationship. I want her to be my only lady and I think she wants the same, at least that is what she says. However, she is scared of her boyfriend who beats on her I want her to know that I love her and want us to be a family. I want her to understand that we are like soul mates and this only comes around once in a lifetime so please help me express my feelings to her

The Way Out


You live in so much fear of pain, I only wish you joy
For feelings growing in my heart are those I’ve never known
The path you’re walking now has made you nothing but a toy
Owned by a spoiled child in which emotions have not grown

Perhaps you think his cruel hands can render a caress
Instead of tears and bruises, as his way of showing love
To me you are a treasure and I pray for nothing less
Than living life with you alone but I would never shove

You into a relationship though what we share is rare
For soul-mates which we have become is seldom ever seen
I offer you an exit from a life of grim despair
The entire world which I possess, please come and be my queen

The Request:
This poem is for my boyfriend Kurtis and he is away from me until November. I want him to know how much I love him and miss him and wish so much that I could be with him everyday that he is gone. I’m sorry for the confusion. Thank you, Beverly.

Heart’s Words


Each day is but a graying cloud
Each moment, but a tear
And nights are an eternity
I live without you here

If thoughts had wings, I’d fly to you
To end this loneliness
Fly to your arms and soft caress
Fly to your warm sweet kiss

But time and thoughts are like a wish
One makes when love’s not near
Just want to let you know how much
I miss and love you dear

The Request:
I am sorry that we lost touch. I want to get our friendship back. I hope that even though we are hours, miles & towns away we can keep in touch more now than ever, cause if I have ever needed you I need you now. I’m sorry for not always being there in the past, but I am here now. Can we please try to get close again?


Toni Daniel

Few things have true value in this day and age
We use it or waste it, then cast it aside
Forgotten, replaced and replaced once again
Each thought to have worth and then quickly denied

All gathering dust by the side of time’s road
Faint memories of their great treasure now fade
But there is one thing some can lose that is rare
Which can not be bought, it can only be made

Once made, it survives throughout all of our life
That most precious thing is a friend, strong and sure
For distance and time have no meaning, in fact
The days and the years melt away, friends endure

That friendship we shared, and still have, I confess
Was squandered by me, I was not always there
But now, I must plead for your friendship again
I‘ve learned that true friends must be treated with care

This gift we were given, I’d love to renew
For now I believe its real worth, please; do you?

The Request:
This poem is for Dan and Tracy my brother and sister. Our older sister(Glenda) died 4/30/03from cancer. Born 1/31/49.She was always there for us and always helping and giving to everyone. She was a very fun person and we all miss her laugh very much. You could hear it blocks away. We would all joke about the stories or quotes she would tell, she always made them better and bigger, blow it up to "sound better". At her memorial, the church was packed, standing room only. We all live near each other in the suburbs of Denver and would get together for many occasions. But every year, we(mom, dad, spouses, kids and grandkids) all would go camping in the mountains at the same place. This is where she wanted her ashes put... Thank you so much for writing this poem for me, Kim,

My New Home

Kimberly Pine

Place me not within the gardens where the marble flowers stand
Etched with names and sentiment that Time’s sure hand will soon erase

Where the salty tears of grief rain down upon that hallowed land
And pain of loved ones passing cast a cloud on every face

Take me to a place, familiar, far above mans misery
Where the simple joy of nature washed souls clean and healed the heart

Let majestic mountains tower o’er my head eternally
Add my laughter to the chuckling stream where mighty rivers start

Let me rest beneath the aspens in their golden autumn gowns
Peacefully, let winter snows engulf me in their pristine shrouds

And each time you come together to this place where peace abounds
I shall always be here with you at my new home in the clouds

The Thank You:
I want to thank you so much for the two great poems you wrote for my family and me. What a nice service your doing for people who cannot write; like me! I’m sorry to hear about your loss of your Mother and brother. Life just seems so unfair... Good luck and thank you… Sincerely, Kimberly Pine

The Request:
Two poems were written for Kimberly Pine on the death of her sister; this one and “My New Home”.

Bigger and Better

Kimberly Pine

We, the preacher did advise
Of our dear sister’s demise
His condolences were heartfelt at our news

All arrangements would be made
Photos tastefully displayed
And sufficient Kleenex for us all to use

As we gathered in that place
Worries lined the preacher’s face
So we asked him what was wrong, was it bad news

He confessed, “I’m in a lurch”!
For we need a bigger church
Either that or add another hundred pews

People standing everywhere
There is not an inch to spare
And they’re lined outside the church in mile long queues

And the flowers, he did add
Were so many, it was sad
More were coming every minute, we should choose

From the thousands of bouquets
Which one goes and which one stays
I will even hire a truck that you can use

He was right, there were a lot
And he’d put us on the spot
How to pick what stayed from half a million hues

Our dear sister, all did love
And I’m sure, from up above
She observed our quandary, and it did amuse

I heard that familiar sound
Bigger, Better, All around
For her laughter, all of Heaven did infuse

The Request:
This is to my mother, although she was not there for me when I was growing up! She had problems and I was ok, and I hold a lot against her but I love her she is my mother and she gave me life! She was strong enough to leave me with my dad because she new he was able to take care of me! She sent me a letter saying she was sorry for all the things she had done to me in my life and although I can’t forget! I just wanted to say that I do love her and I always will! We are close, but not that close! Thank you!



I’ve always had a Mother but a Mom would have been best
Perhaps, some day I’ll find out how you had the strength to leave
My life with Dad was nice enough, although he never guessed
That there are things a young girl needs that he could not perceive

His guiding hand helped me mature, but gave no tenderness
Like Mom’s could give when comforting a frightened little girl
And love was there, I know it, but without a Mom’s caress
To teach me how to brush my hair, or how to wash and curl

Each time you were not there, resentments built within my heart
For there was never anyone around to do Mom things
Dad had no way of knowing of the wisdom Mom’s impart
From their experience in growing up and what life brings

I know you loved me Mother, and I wanted you to know
I love you too, I always will; old scars will slowly heal
You gave me life through all your pain, but never watched me grow
I can’t forget, but I forgive the way you made me feel

The Thank You:

Thank you so much! You somehow said exactly what I have wanted to say for a long time! My Mother is very dear to me but she really hurt my brother and I so much! She will never know! I really appreciate that you took the time to listen to me and on what little I told you, you spoke straight from my heart! Thank You so much, I just can’t thank you enough! You must be an Angel sent from above to have a talent like that! The poem was Awesome! Thanks, from the bottom of my heart! KIM

The Request:
I would like to say sorry to Mike, someone that I love and care for. For saying the wrong thing and I do not want to lose him, as he was my first love at school, and I found him again after 30 years.

Second Chance

Pam Rook

If words could be unsaid and our mistakes could be undone
I’d wish it so, but that is not the way time’s path is run
What’s happened in the past we can not change or rectify
That’s why there is forgiveness and a future where we try

To start again, perhaps continue down a road, long lost
Where memories fill hearts with what our old mistakes have cost
First love, first kiss, first “I love you”, returned with your sweet face
But I, with thoughtless words, did anger and your smile replace

With unintended pain; I’m sorry for the things I said
To lose you one more time is now the greatest thing I dread
A second chance in life is rare to rekindle old fires
Forgive and let me be the one to fan your hearts desires

I’ve never thought I had a chance for love to reappear
And only want to show how much I care and love you dear

The Request:
Well my mother is getting married this Saturday, which is September 27, 2003 and I desire to make a toast that has to do with a mother and daughter type thing. I want it to be sweet and sentimental but towards the end of it I would like it to say something about the two of them and there names are Theresa and Charlie. Yes, I am very happy about this wedding. my mom has came along way her first husband she when she was 15 and he died two years latter and now it has been 22 years and now she has finally found her love life. I would like it to say something about she and I as mother and daughter and we have had many bad times but we have many good times. I would like it to talk about how I am happy for her and how I am glad we have always been able to work out our bad times. I am hoping that this enough for you, if not please let me know. Thanks, Ashlee.

The Journey


The innocence of youth was lost to fate so long ago
For then a child begot a child of love, a daughter, fair
The beauty of a family, soon lost, how could she know
That death could be so cruel; leave her all alone to care

And handle all the hardships that a single mother sees
When trying to get by and raise a daughter of her own
Each day, a trial in her young life; no rest and little ease
Each year was spent in caring for her daughter, all alone

Some times were bad but most were good and through fates strange design
From child with babe, there grew a Mother, strong and self assured
And daughter, who believes there is no Mom as good as mine
I love you all the more for everything which you endured

My joy could fill an ocean as I say to you with pride
May you and Charlie share a love and life of sweetest bliss
For you deserve the very best two decades have denied
And may the journey down love’s road start with your wedding kiss

The Request:
This poem is for Laura, she is my Fiancé, I want to tell her how much I love her and that she really means a lot to me. I am happy that she is going to be the mother of my child. I want to thank for being there on most painful events as well as painless ones! She has really inspired to work hard for the things that want. She is both beautiful and smart and no one could or should ever take that from her! I will do my best to be there always, and to protect her from any harm that comes way. Our relationship is truly, based on LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, and HONESTY AND LOTS OF CARING! Thank you for all the memorable moments.

My Queen


The words “I love you” can’t define the ache within my heart
Nor thank you for the grace and beauty you’ve bestowed on me
Our vows, yet to be said; of honor, friendship, love and care
Are merely echoes from two souls, which soon shall number three

Through pain and joy, you are there, inspiring me to climb
To heights unknown to me before you came into my life
For with that inspiration I am able to aspire
To greatness, though none greater than to have you for a wife

And this I promise, none shall harm you when I’m at your side
Your path through life I’ll guard with word and deed, as yet unseen
And all the memories of life, each moment which we share
Are kept within your servant’s soul, kept safe for you, my queen

The Request:
Sorry but the best I can give you about me is that my life is about death and most of the people I hang out with act like akkis(demons)sorry I know not to much info on me. I know that I need to get a life but when you have this stuck in your head, well... In life we live, in death we die. It is a natural process that should not be tampered with. It does not matter how strong you are or how fast and smart you are, death is inevitable. One should not run from death, nor should one await it. Death is not life and while living death in ones mind should not exist. Then again how could it? How can you know of death when it has not happened to you? You the living will never know death because you do not know what it is or what it feels like. Pain is not death. To tell the truth pain does not exist. It is just the mere thought that hurts and it shouldn't. Pain only exists in the weakly trained minds. But if you train your mind to the point of not feeling pain then you are not alive but then again you’ve never died. How? How do you die? How do you live? There is no answer. There is no reasoning behind how we live or how we die, it is just is there. Do we all take advantage of it? Should we search for an answer? Do you even know if you’re alive? I know it’s long. Do you get the way I think about life and death now? Well I'll stop bugging you now. Tichen, Fugico



Upon a higher plane, I saw the path to my demise
And looking back, there was revealed the places I had been

For all of life is but a blink within Fate’s darkened eyes
A momentary picture of our time ‘fore death’s hard grin

Look to the future, yet untold, from unremembered past
As demons slobber in the dark, deciding whom to choose.

From babe’s first cry to old crone’s rasp, each breath could be their last
But living life as though I’m dead is an escapist’s ruse

Though not afraid of death we cringe each day, afraid to live
Afraid to face the world in which we trudge through misery

So gather ‘round us shrouds from crypts; we conjure how to give
Our meaningless existence something more than we can see

The path to our nirvana, endless sleep, and nothing more
Perhaps it isn’t us but weary spirit deep inside

That’s given up before the flesh lies rotting at grave’s door
And somewhere, mothers weep for one more life that’s been denied.

The Request:
This is a best friend poem to a friend of 13years. I would like to tell Ben how important he is to me and that I love him more then he will ever know. Now do not get me wrong, not sexual love, but friendship love. He and I have been through a lot. He is looking for love right now and I would like to let him know that I am behind him all the way. If you can somehow put this in a poem I will be forever grateful. Thank you.

Best Friends


Your happiness is all that I desire
I’d love to see you find that special one
Someone to give the love that you require
And we can screen each prospect just for fun

I’ve treasured every moment spent with you
And you are more important than you know
Because of all the things that we’ve been through
Each day, you make our love and friendship grow

And if the love you seek takes you away
To ecstasy and caring without end
Please keep this in your heart of hearts each day
I’ll always be your best and dearest friend

The Request:
A poem for a son that is 28 and has done good in his life. He feels for his culture, (native) Ojibwa and for the earth.



None own this land on which we dwell
Our visit here is brief

When we are dust, the land remains
Freed from the lustful thief

Each thoughtless scar upon Earth’s face
In time shall heal, like new

And we, who love this earth, shall know
Great Spirit’s words were true

Through history’s worst genocide
The “Three Fires” people stand

With tear filled eyes and heavy hearts
Watched those with heavy hand

Try to possess what was not theirs
Turn sweetest streams to brine

Lay stony ribbons on green grass
Deface our every shrine

But as the wolf and bear have learned
Take heed from eagle’s flight

The Ghost Men are just visitors
Soon swallowed by the night

The Request:
My Nephew, who is also my best friend just died today. His name is Ted. He was only 32 and died of AIDS. He was always there for me and was so full of life. He was temperamental but still a very true and dear friend. He would take me for ice cream and walks when I was feeling down. He would talk to me and help me resolve any issues I had. I need to read something at his funeral and don’t know how to put into words how much he meant to me. He liked Camaros with T-tops and chair he also like his dog coco and beautiful things such as art and flowers. Please help if you can



Heart bruised beyond repair, I watched my best friend leave this life
And thinking of how much I’d miss those healing walks we shared
How cheated he had been by circumstance of his disease
Why had I let him go not knowing just how much I cared?

I guess he knew, he always knew exactly how I felt
Each day he lifted me with words of wisdom and a smile
But as I laid upon my bed, wept silent tears of grief
I prayed that I could find relief from pain and sleep a while

That night I dreamed a dream about that dear one who was lost
Though life was spent ere blush of youth had vanished from his face
Yet here he was before me with “that” smile upon his lips
And I, surprised by all of this, asked “Ted, what is this place?”

“Dear Cindy, this is Heaven. It’s where fondest dreams come true.
Where problems waft away and pain’s a distant memory
Come, ride with me a while; and let me show you what I’ve done
Hop in my new Camaro, there are lots of things to see.”

We drove through fields of flowers to a place beside a stream
Surrounded by rose gardens was a house of stone and wood
“We’re here, Ted whispered, come inside, for this is my new home.
There’s even room for Coco, oh, I hope he understood.”

Confused, I asked him, “Ted, I thought that Heaven’s not like this;
It’s golden roads and pearly gates and castles in the air.”
“It is, if that is what you want and wish for all your life
But I’d much rather be engulfed in beauty in God’s care

My life, though short, was spent in helping others find a way
To see the beauty of creation, gifts from God’s on hand
I tried to live each wondrous day as though it was my last
Give joy and hope where needed, was that not His first command

To love and help each other as He loved us, without fail
To live the life we’re given to its fullest, as we share
Our hopes and dreams aren’t lost with death, they bloom eternally
And Cindy, though you didn’t say the words, I know, you care.

Awakened, in the dark, ‘twas just a dream but now I see
Ted’s setting on his porch, in Heaven, smiling down at me.

The Thank You:
Dearest Larry, Thank you so very much for this poem you have written for Ted and I. I love it and it's one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read. I am leaving town this evening to attend his visitation and then his funeral on Friday and I shall read it there on Friday morning. Again, Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Also, I wanted to let you know that I felt the poems about your wife were the most beautiful poems you have written, I see the true love in them, I do recognize true love when I see it because I have found it as well. Take care new friend.
Sincerely, Cindy

The Request:
His name is Sonui. I want to tell him that I love him but I can not express it.



Why must the words be said when you can see it in my eyes
The stars that shine within them burn whenever you are near
I’m sure you hear the beating heart that pounds beneath my breast
These signs should tell you how I feel though words you never hear

Expressing my emotions in mere words is not enough
Perhaps the Gods will smile on me before love’s signs subside
And let you see the starry eyes and hear the thunderous heart
So I can live in bliss forever when I am your bride

Know this, Sonui, there is nowhere else I’d rather be
Than by your side, to live in happiness eternally

The Request:
I need this poem to be special. The people have been married for 50 years. There names are Grover and Peggy Brooks.

True Value


As valuable as gold, but without price
And rare as diamonds lying on the ground
Is love and marriage lasting fifty years
In which true joy and caring still abound

The friendship, which you share, I must admire
It seems friendship and love was always there
So now, I say upon your golden year
I‘ve learned from you, that friends are kept with care

With friends, comes pleasure of a loving life
Together you have shared great memories
Time’s test was passed with your enduring love
May this year be the best one ever sees

The Request:
This poem is for my little sister. She will be 15 years of age (that is big celebration in our country). I need a poem telling her that she is special to us, her family. Although I am far, (she is in Belize, our country, and I am in LA), I have her in my heart, and that she could count on me in anyway, that I hear for her. She will be more that my sister she is my best friend. I want this poem so I could send it to her the day of the party so my cousin could read it on that special occasion.

This is an answer for a request for information about Quince Anos from the Belize’s Office of Tourism. Hi Larry, It sounds like you're asking about a Spanish custom called the Quince Anos (translation = 15 years.) This custom is still practiced in Spain and I believe all Spanish-speaking countries. It is celebrated with a Mass where the girl, who is 15, dresses almost like a bride and has damas and caballeros (ladies in waiting and gentlemen) who accompany her up the aisle - again like a wedding...and then there is a party afterwards – of course elegant like a wedding as well...complete with keepsakes. Turning 15 is equivalent to being a debutante at a debutante ball. It is the presentation of that girl to society as eligible for marriage... Because of the expense involved in this celebration, however, (again like a wedding) it is mostly the very traditional Spanish families or the ones with money who still keep the practice going... The only difference to the wedding is that the Quince aniara does not have a groom...I believe (but not sure) that she is accompanied at the altar by both parents. However, you can check this fact with any Latino you know. Hope this helps and I'd be curious to see your poem afterwards. Suzette Zayden

The Veil


Behold the veil of patterned lace that’s placed upon a girl
‘Twas though its threads were magic spun to hide her youthful face
For when removed, all eyes perceive a woman’s wings unfurl
And where once stood a child, there is a lady, full of grace

No groom to lift the sequined veil, just friends and family
So full of pride, their hearts near burst; eyes shine with unwept tears
The church bells peal their message “Quince Anos, come and see!”
And from her entourage there rings joyful OLE’s and cheers.

With solemn words and blessings she’s presented on this day
The priest can scarce contain his happiness, when honored so
For once, within this young girl’s life, a special prayer he’ll pray
Then send her out into the world with celebration’s glow

Dear sister, though I’m far away, I keep you in my heart
I’d give the worlds to be there but alas, I can not be
Just know I love you, and the best of times, I would impart
A woman, you have now become, best friends you’ll always be

The Request:
You know how I feel about you and you sometimes act as if you feel the same but sometimes you act as if you don't want to be bothered. We've been out a couple of times but not like a date just for lunch I’ve given you gifts and you accept them and you blush but you won’t tell me if you want a relationship. Tell me something because it's not fair for you to keep me hanging like that if you want to just be friends and your not ready for a relationship tell me that and I’ll understand but you have to tell me something

Friendship or Love


Friendship is nice, I will concede.
You want my friendship with no ties.
But your sweet love is what I need
For I want loving with no lies.

I thought you wanted someone real.
I need someone with brains and class.
My meeting you was such a thrill
But feelings are like fragile glass.

Our life, sometimes, can be a mess
Yet still we look to find a mate.
In life's long search for happiness
Should love or friends be left to fate?

I am too serious, it seems.
I only wanted your caress.
Now I'll just see you in my dreams.
My friendships all you want, I guess!

The Request:
My sister-in-law just had her second baby, a little girl, I just want her to know I love her and to congratulate her on this, seeing as we live next door to each other but aren’t that close though I wish we were.

Gifts and Blessings

Nikki Kennedy

Life’s blessings are too few these days
To disregard their worth
So I would be remiss if naught
Were said upon the birth

Of such a lovely baby girl
How happy you must be
Congratulations to you both
You mean the world to me

If ever you should need my help
Please ask! I’ll do my best
To lend a hand with anything
So I too can be blessed

With tiny smiles and trusting eyes
The gift’s babies bestow
Upon the lucky ones who get
To be there while they grow

Within a home where loving flows
And nurtures with its touch
This tiny blessing to the world
I love you both, so much

The Request:
I would like to say that I miss my daddy and that it has been hard to live without him. Today is my sixteenth birthday and it hurts that he is not there to celebrate it with me. He has left me with son much pain and it is difficult to deal with. What is even more difficult is that my mommy has met someone else. I live my life so unhappily because my daddy left me with a broken heart.

Unhappy Birthday


My 16th birthday’s come and gone without his tender touch
And what should be my sweetest year is filled with so much pain
I’d love to have him back; I guess that’s asking way too much
Besides, no one can live forever so what would I gain

As when he left his little girl and crushed a heart to dust
And filled the world with sadness wondering why did he go
Perhaps I’m selfish and self-centered, for I know it must
Have broken Mom’s heart too, but her deep pain, she doesn’t show

There’s someone else in her life now to ease the memory
Yet there is no one here for me to help me find a smile
My friends say I’ll get over how I feel. I’ll wait and see
As years go by, perhaps it will; much longer than a while

But now I’m left without a Dad and time will sure erase
The way we were together as his laughter filled the air
Now memories and pictures are what’s left, they can’t replace
His nice warm hug or loving words, but then, life isn’t fair

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